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    Bailes Chinos Zona Central

    Field recordings made in December 2025, in Las Palmas de Alvarado, Olmué, Marga Marga Province, Central Zone, Chile.

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    IHab140. S - Glottocronologia

    In the process, individuals began to move without noticing, into bubbles that isolated them from enormous amounts of other information.
    They only heard and saw what they liked. Recorded in Milano at Giardini Pubblici Indro Montanelli on September 21st 2025.

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    IHab139. VERÓNICA CERROTTA - Campos de Altitud

    Field recordings made between February and June 2025 in the Fazenda São João and the Catete neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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    IHab138. LUÃS ANTERO - O Rio / The River, Vol.5

    This sound work is part of the series "O Rio", a project of sound archiving and documentation of the Alvoco River in Portugal, which has been released by Impulsive Habitat since 2012.

    December 12, 2018

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    The elongated Path

    The five pieces making up The Elongated Path, bear the sometimes overt and sometimes covert influences of the three seasons of winter, spring and summer. The pieces were constructed of composed and improvised double bass performances from January and June, 2017, to which were added electric guitar and electronics as well as field recordings taken at the Rice River Center in March, 2016 and July, 2017.

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    IHab136. JOHN COLLINS McCORMICK - No most fatigue

    "No Most Fatigue" combines field recordings made on an iPhone over the past five years, with light synthesis. The project acts like sonic snapshots of friends and relatives, places and moments. The title relates to the way I've composed these pieces in that some choices are nonsensical while others follow a trajectory of comparison or similarities. The pieces operate like poetry made from sounds of memories.

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    IHab135. JUAN JOSÉ CALARCO - espectro

    'Espectro' (spanish) stands for both spectrum as radio-frequency spectrum and spectre as a ghostly presence.

    All sounds comes from shortwave and LF radio transmissions, mostly untreated, even what it sounds like some morning birds comes from intriguing broadcasts like boat communications, time signals, number stations and other mysterious sources.

    Includes special photo document by Cristian Espinoza.

    May 31, 2018


    IHab134. PHIL MAGUIRE - [bitdrip]

    Two recordings of rain. Digital recorder in a box.
    Audio interface with empty inputs.

    March 10, 2018


    IHab133. JAVIER PIÑANGO - Tránsito oscilado

    This work, as it also happens in all my previous albums, was based on the compulsive use of the Korg MS-20.



    Neblina (mist) was born after a series of resonant photographs imagined by both executors, a kind of experimental sonorous film.

    December 15, 2017

    Flying away


    IHab131. JUAN ANTONIO NIETO - Airports & Hotels

    Airports & Hotels is a compilation of the sounds I have found in the trips I have made in recent years.

    The sources of these sounds are field recordings made at different airports, on airplanes and in hotels. In these last ones the recordings are improvisations with the elements that I found in them and their different stays. These recordings were made with the windows open to capture the sounds of the outside, rain, traffic, people talking, etc.
    - Juan Antonio Nieto

    September 20, 2017


    Trash fires gutter in steel canister

    This album is a result of an improvisation session at David's studio where Juan José used DIY synthesisers and David acoustically performed with a number of objets, contact microphones, transducers and a sub woofer.

    August 15, 2017

    Before and/or during

    IHab130. UNA LEE - in Transit: [& transitions]

    When before and/or during traveling for work, not always feeling exactly excited, taking sound recordings or better described as listening to the environment through a sound recording device in a concentrated form is helpful to me in calming myself down and making me feel safe. This 31 minute long composition consists of 12 sound recordings taken over the course of 5 days in 3 countries, 6 cities and 3 houses between 2 homes of mine via 1 international airspace. The recordings are primarily simply juxtaposed after one another, somewhat depicting the last intercontinental journey that I’ve made, which was long and subsequently made me restless.

    June 29, 2017


    IHab129. CHRISTOPHER McFALL - Siren

    Composed by Christopher McFall.

    May 30, 2017



    IHab128. VITALY MAKLAKOV - Laundry Day

    This album is an acoustic cardiogram from one of the many summer days that I spent in my native village of Malyi Atyazh
    in the trans-Ural region.

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    IHab127. CHRIS LYNN - Qixia

    Qixia is a collection of audible views that explore the Qixia district in Nanjing, China.


    IHab126. C. REIDER - Anent

    Listening events recorded either with Zoom H4n or iPhone 4.
    Mostly 2015-2016, though Sky Puppet is from 2013.


    IHab125. LUÃS ANTERO - O rio / The river, Vol. 4

    Initially, the ambient and hypnotic sound produced by Luís Antero presages a trip to a sound record that has as narrative the sounds, history and stories of the region of the mountain range. Thus, in this sequence, the phonographic material becomes, in a certain way, an almost cinematographic record that has as a film the evocation of the past - without ever forgetting the present - and the oral history of the narrators that give life to people again camouflaging them.
    -Alexandre Relvas


    IHab124. A.J. HOLMES - Robin Hood Gardens - Tour

    Robin Hood Gardens, is a residential housing estate in Poplar, London designed in the late 1960s by architects Alison and Peter Smithson completed in 1972 and now scheduled for demolition.

    Clock hand movement

    IHab123. MANUEL CALURANO - Ciclos sonoros

    Listening is one of the best experiences which make us aware of the complex nature of time and of our relationship with it. It also helps us to understand time itself, in the sense that it may be altered by different kind of stimuli. It is by means of the clock hand movement, or by the division of time in days, weeks, months, years, and so on, that we can create an almost unalterable plot which prevents us from our own subjectivity.
    -Xoán-Xil López


    Campos de Altitud

    (cc) 2009 - 2025 IMPULSIVE HABITAT